Thursday, 11 June 2015

Things I Have Learnt

I have created this post of all of the things I have learnt throughout my work experience including definitions, advantages and disadvantages and descriptions of procedures.

  • Laminitis: Inflammation of the lamellar attachments between the hoof and the bone of the leg in a horse. It can cause structural problems in the foot and make the hoof wall separate from the bone. This can then cause pain and a difficulty of movement in the horse.

  • Equine Metabolic Syndrome: Caused primarily by obesity in horses and ponies, it is similar to type 2 diabetes in that it's main disorder is insulin resistance. Symptoms that are exhibited include laminitis, lethargy, obesity and abnormal fat deposits.

  • TECA: Total Ear Canal Ablation. This is where the total interior of the ear is removed including the ear drum. It is often performed due to a build up of pus and infectious material. This itself causes headaches, pain and a need for ear cleaning. Hearing can be diminished but this is not too bad a consequence given the fact that hearing is usually already diminished due to the infection.

  • Arthroscopy: This is the use of a camera to view the joints of an animal more clearly than on an X-Ray. Fragments of bone and other problems can be seen to then be fixed with a surgical procedure.

  • BSE: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Mad Cow Disease). This is the disintegration of the brain in cows and this can be carried to humans.

  • MRSA: Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. This is a bacteria that is difficult to treat as it is resistant to antibiotics.

  • Puppy Vaccines: DHLPPCv
  • -Distemper (viral disease affecting many tracts and organs)
  • -Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver)
  • -Leptospirosis (bacterial infection of kidneys that can be transferred to humans)
  • -Parainfluenza (virus that causes infection in the respiratory system)
  • -Pavovirus (severe virus affecting the intestinal tract)
  • -Coronavirus (similar to pavovirus but not considered to be fatal)

  • Kitten Vaccines:
  • -Panleukopenia (loss of white blood cells in the body)
  • -Herpesvirus (contagious cause of cat flu)
  • -Calicivirus (virus causing problems in the respiratory system)
  • -Leukaemia (common cause of cancer in cats)

  • Pros of Spaying:
  • -Population control
  • -Won't cause birth/pregnancy complications in the future
  • -Easier for the owner not having to take care of kittens/puppies

  • Cons of Spaying:
  • -Problems during the operation/anaesthesia.

  • Pros of Castration:
  • -Population control.
  • -Reduces risk of prostate disease.
  • -Reduces likelihood of animal getting territorial, getting into fights and spraying.

  • Cons of Castration:
  • -Problems during the operation/anaesthesia

  • What happens at an Abattoir: The animals are crowded close together. In sheep, they are bolted, their hind legs are lifted and their throats are slit. In cows, they are bolted and shot in the head. Afterwards, the animals are eviscerated (have their organs removed), especially the spine in cows to prevent the spread of BSE. The feet and head remove and the meat of the animal is left to drain and mature.

  • Parts of a Pelvis:
  • -Illium (the part closer to the head at either side of the pelvis)
  • -Ishium (the part closer to the back legs at either side of the pelvis)
  • -Pubis (the middle part of the pelvis)
  • -Pubic Symphysis (middle part of the pubis)
  • -Acetabulum (socket in the pelvis where the femur joins)

  • Order of a Cow's Digestive System:
  • -Mouth > Oesophagus > Rumen > Reticulum > Omasum > Abomasum

  • Problems with Bulldogs:
  • -Squashed faces can cause skin problems in the creases and difficulty breathing and seeing.
  • -Bulldogs must be born by caesarian so there is a risk of complications in surgery for the mother.

  • Waking up an Animal after Surgery:
  • -The N2O is shut off 10 minutes from the end of the procedure and then the oxygen is switched off at the end.
  • -The tube stays in the dog's mouth until there is blinking and a swallow reflex to signal the dog is awake.
  • For cats, the tube must be removed before a swallow reflex due to the delicacy of the trachea.

  • Elbow Gelpi: The piece of equipment used to hold open the skin and muscle to allow easier access to the bone.

  • Marcain - A local anaesthetic used in surgery to numb the operational area.

  • GDV (Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus) - This is bloating and it's when the stomach enlarges and twists so gas builds up but can not escape. This can be fatal in animals.

  • TPLO (Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy) - This is an operation to reposition the tibial plateau and secure it with a metal plate.

  • Tightrope Procedure - This is an operation where a fibre is used to act as a ligament and give support to the joint.

  • Schmallenburg Virus - Infection in sheep and cattle. It is transmitted by biting insects and causes deformities in offspring. It is not usually apparent in adults, only in the young. The virus attacks the brain and spinal cord and deforms the spine, head and legs.

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